Paradox of Communication

I realize haven’t posted any new tattoos on here for awhile, in part due to laziness and also because of the ease of posting on Instagram. As the algorithms change in social media I am left with the problem of how to communicate what I do and what I have to offer to people who are interested in my work…….
How would you like to see my work?
That is the main question that keeps presenting itself. As I grapple with this obstacle I thought it might be nice to post some recent tattoos on here, maybe some of you have seen them, or maybe my feed doesn’t come up for you to see it and maybe some of you are not on social media, either way enjoy and as always an endless thank you for your continued support and interest in what I do.
First up is hunters recently completed sleeve…..
I really enjoyed this one, mixed some very old Polynesian influences against some of my more current geometric simple shapes and more complex dotwork mandalas.

Next up is Michael Waters finished and healed back piece, this I really enjoyed as we got to do some color mixed in with pattern work, a horse, wolf and a giant ornate human skull. This took a few years to compete as we finished the skull and took a break, thank you for your trust and patience Michael, it is immense!

April has been a good month for finishing projects! Here’s is Allen’s leg all finished up, really excited with how this one came together, I’ll let the pictures do the talking, thank you Allen.

Really happy with how Marks piece turned out below, a very non literal interpretation of a volcano. I love how this one sits on the arm by itself and has such a strong simple overall shape.

Below are some images of Kian’s sleeve, Really loved doing this one, the mix of Persian and Arabic ornament was a lot of fun and really interesting to research the beautiful historic art.

And the last images for this post are of Alana’s torso, I got to add to a really incredible collection of work, tattoos by Scott Sylvia, Jeff Rassier and Tim Lehi to name a few. Thank you for your trust Alana and patience to see this one through to the end.

Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my work and read through this post – Thomas.